Before continuing to the 2nd half of episode 1 of EXTRA, let’s see how you do listening to the vocabulary you practiced in the first half. Click the link to hear the vocabulary words and click the English that matches that Spanish word you hear.
After practicing the vocabulary from lesson one, watch the next 2 videos to finish episode 1 of EXTRA.
Follow along while I teach Spanish alongside the 2nd half of Extra. I broke it up into 2 segments to give time to absorb and take detour if needed to practice vocabulary.
Practice the script. Learn the vocabulary.
Practice reading the dialogue out loud now that you have watched the show. If you have a printer, print this and you can read as you listen to the pronunciation. Mimic Pablo, Lola, and Ana. Mimic their intonation and pronunciation.
I highlighted all the verbs/action words in the script. Lesson 3 will be me teaching how to conjugate in the present tense.
Practice the vocabulary from the 2nd half of Extra by clicking the button below.
Episode 1 – With English and Spanish Subtitles
- Practice mimicking the Spanish by copying the pronunciation and intonation.
- Listen and write down new vocabulary you learn and want to remember.
- Practice that vocabulary by making flashcards. I like to use Gimkit to create flashcards. There are many sites/resources for creating online flashcards to practice remotely on your phone.