Mimic Method – Spanish

Mimic Method – It Works!!!

Most spanish learners completely skip pronunciation training.  There are two reasons for this:

  • They don’t understand why training Spanish pronunciation is important. 
  • They don’t not know how to effectively train Spanish pronunciation.

Since you are taking the time to read this, you are obviously wise enough to appreciate the “why” of Spanish pronunciation training, but you probably still struggle with the “how.”

That’s where I come in.

I will show you exactly how to perfect your pronunciation so that you can speak Spanish WITHOUT sounding like a gringo.

Who am I, and why should you listen to what I have to say about Spanish?

My name is Idahosa (pronounced ee-DOW-ssah) and I speak six languages fluently.  Not only can I express myself and understand native speakers fluently, my accent in these language is good enough to trick native speakers into thinking I’m one of them.

The secret to my language-learning success is in my obsession with pronunciation.  Pronunciation is the key to becoming fluent in Spanish.

Do you have a problem with Spanish conversation?

Spanish comprehension

You can “study” Spanish for years and still struggle to hold a fluid conversation with a native speaker.  This is because “studying” vocabulary and grammar won’t give you the most fundamental skill of Spanish conversation: Spanish Pronunciation.

  • Do you have a hard time understanding native speakers when they talk fast, even though you “know” a lot of vocabulary.
  • Do you struggle to express in conversation things that you can easily write on paper.
  • Do you have a hard time remembering new words and expressions unless someone writes them down for you first?  
  • Do you always feel embarrassed because of your “gringo” accent?

If you answered yes to any of the questions above, let me ask you this: “How much time and energy have you invested in Spanish pronunciation training?”

Most likely, you have invested very little.  I don’t blame you for this – you probably had no idea where to start until you found this website.

If you focus on Spanish pronunciation now, you will feel your Spanish speaking pains start to fade away within a week.

  • You will start to tune into the nuances of Spanish sound and recognize more words in fast speech.
  • Your tongue and lips will start to loosen up and the words will flow out more naturally.
  • You will start to recognize sound patterns and remember new words and expressions faster.
  • You will start to impress native speakers with your more authentic sounding accent.  

Spanish Pronunciation Training

Pronunciation first. Everything else second.


Buy any Spanish textbook, turn to the first page, and the first thing you will learn is how to spell and translate basic words like “hola” and “gracias.”  Sign up for a fancy new Spanish-learning app, and you will do the exact same thing but with special effects and gamified power ups.

No matter what the packaging is, the primary focus of every Spanish program out there is the same – Literacy first. Pronunciation last.

Spanish literacy is of course a useful skill, but you have to ask yourself this question at some point:
     “Is my goal to read Spanish newspapers?”
     “Or is my goal to fluently communicate with Spanish-speakers in real life conversations?”

If your goal is to fluently communicate with native spanish speakers, then the traditional approach will fail you.  

Think about it – when was the last time you heard this conversation?
“Wow John you speak Spanish so well! How did you become so fluent?”
     “Rosetta Stone baby! “

There is a simple reason why normal Spanish programs don’t work.  They don’t focus on the key to becoming fluent in Spanish conversation.

The key to becoming conversationally fluent in Spanish is to focus on Spanish pronunciation first, everything else second.  

Imagine this scenario…

You are on a plane headed for Costa Rica, and the flight attendant makes an announcement in Spanish, then you repeat the announcement out loud to yourself with perfect pronunciation.

“Por favor, abroche el cinturón de seguridad.”

Even though you can mimic the phrase perfectly, you have no idea what it means.

How’s this possible?  Because before you dove into Spanish vocabulary and grammar, you took the time to prime your ears, mouth and brain to Spanish sounds.

In other words, you focused on pronunciation first, everything else second. 


Later in the flight, the flight attendant makes the exact same announcement, but this time you notice how everyone starts to buckle their seatbelts as soon as she says it.

That’s how you figure out what it means – “Please buckle your seatbelt!”

The pronunciation of the phrase came first, then the meaning came second.  


Fast forward 2 days later. You are stepping into a taxi with your new local friend – Alejandra. She wants to take you to her favorite restaurant for “comida tipica”.

The taxi starts to move forward, and you notice that Alejandra has still not buckled her seatbelt. She is giving the taxi driver directions and must have forgotten.

Recalling your experience on the airplane, you say to her:

“Alejandra, abroche el cinturón de seguridad por favor!”

Alejandra stops mid-sentence, turns to you, and stares at you in shock.

“Mentiroso!  Me dijiste que no hablas español!” (Liar!  You said you didn’t speak Spanish!)

Your pronunciation was so good that she thought you were already fluent.  You laugh and think to yourself:

“I guess I’ll just have to get used to this sort of reaction…”

In the Flow of Spanish program, you will learn how to pronounce Spanish phrases with a perfect accent before you know what they mean.  

You might be wondering:

“What’s the point of knowing how to pronounce something if I don’t know what it means?”

As you saw in the story above, it’s not too difficult to learn what something means after the fact.  You just need to pay attention.

The real challenge is learning how to pronounce that something in the first place.  That’s why I always answer people’s question by flipping it:

“What’s the point of knowing what something means if you don’t know how to pronounce it?”

You can learn to read and write “buckle your seatbelt” from a Spanish textbook, but if you can’t pronounce it properly, people won’t understand you.

If your goal is to communicate with real Spanish speakers in real conversations, you need to focus on pronunciation first and everything else second.

Common Spanish Learning Mistakes

If you are already learning Spanish and you are making any of these common Spanish learning mistakes, then it is time for you to try The Flow of Spanish.

You use written word as a crutch:  
Most people begin their Spanish training by learning to read and write in Spanish.  This makes you reliant on visual media to learn new things in Spanish.  By using the written word as a crutch, you deny your ears the opportunity to adapt to the sounds of spanish. 

You obsess over grammar: 
Grammar is important, but do you really need to memorize all those charts and technical names?  Do you think native spanish speakers know all that high level grammar stuff?  How is it that a child can speak English fluently without ever knowing what a “preposition” is?

You developed a habit of pronouncing everything as if it were English:  
I get it – Spanish pronunciation is hard and no one showed you how to do it properly before, so you just default to English pronunciation because it’s easier.  Problem is that you are now reinforcing bad muscle habits that take a lot of extra work to correct.  It’s definitely doable to reverse these bad habits, but the more you build them the longer it will take you to fix them.  

You always translate in your head
Being fluent in Spanish means words will flow out of your mouth without thinking; you shouldn’t be translating in your head.  The only way to develop this skill to speak without thinking is to build a habit of mimicking.  

You speak word for word: 
Native speakers never speak Spanish word for word. Instead, they blend words together naturally into larger phrases.  This is the same for English and every other language.

If you are making any of these mistakes in your Spanish studies, save yourself the years of headache and frustration by undoing them right away.


How to save yourself thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours


Let me share with you how I came up with the idea of making a Spanish pronunciation course:

The idea actually came while I was preparing to go to Brazil to learn Portuguese and study Brazilian music.  Portuguese grammar and vocabulary is very similar to Spanish vocabulary and grammar, and I could already speak Spanish fluently (after learning it while studying abroad in Mexico).

I knew that the the real difference between Spanish and Portuguese was the pronunciation. As soon as you listen to Portuguese, you can hear right away that it sounds completely different from Spanish.

I knew that to master Portuguese, the most important thing was for me to focus first on Portuguese pronunciation.

To tackle this problem, I started to study phonetics.  I read several textbooks on the subjects, but they didn’t quite do the job.   Phonetics is about sound, and you can’t learn sound by reading about it; you need to hear it.

I scoured the web for more interactive audio information, but everything was so disorganized.  I could not find a single reliable source that explained all this information in practical terms.

There was also a problem with accents.  No matter what language you study, there will always be different standards of pronunciation.  What you learn on one website can be completely different from another just based on the author.

Finally I realized that the only real way to master the sounds of Portuguese was to hack it myself.  I downloaded hours of audio content from music, television and radio, then learned how to manipulate the audio using different softwares.

I would take a portuguese phrase, digitally slow it down, then transcribe every single sound.  I spent hours every day listening over and over again to sounds to make sure I was hearing them right.  For the sounds I didn’t quite get, I had to scour the phonetic textbooks for explanations on how to make them.

Idahosa Ness in Brazil

My inspiration for The Mimic Method came while studying Brazilian music in Rio de Janeiro

It was a painstaking process, but through it I learned an incredible amount about how language really works.

First thing I realized is that Portuguese is never spoken the way it is written on paper.  When people speak to foreigners or babies, they talk slowly and word for word, but in real life, we always chop and blend words together.

Then I realized its the same thing in Spanish.  It was the same in English.  And now I know it is the same for ALL languages.

But the most important thing I learned is that the process of listening very closely to sounds in a language was the most effective way to master pronunciation and get into the flow of the language.

I memorized 4 portuguese songs syllable by syllable with perfect pronunciation, so by the time I got to Brazil, everything sounded familiar to me.  Just by listening to people in the street, I was able to pick up words and expressions naturally.

Within 3 weeks of being in Brazil, I was able to hold a conversation. Within 3 months I was speaking fluently enough to trick Brazilians into thinking I was one of them.  And this was without taking a single Portuguese class or reading a single Portuguese textbook.

All it took was for me to build a solid foundation of sound.  My ears and mouth were adapted to Portuguese, the same way I had adapted them to Spanish.

But to achieve this, I had to spend hundreds of hours doing trial and error with sounds.  Now that I know it, it’s so simple.  But to get there I had to make a lot of wrong turns and drive my car down a lot of dead ends.

If someone who had already known before me had just showed me the way, I would have been able to do it all so much faster.  

That’s how I came up with the idea for this course.  Now that I know the fastest path to mastering Spanish pronunciation, I can guide you safely along that path.

Introducing The Flow of Spanish

The Flow of Spanish is unlike any other Spanish learning program that has ever existed.  In other programs, you focus on memorizing grammar rules and vocabulary lists.  You don’t do any of that in The Flow of Spanish.

Actually, it’s better that you do not think of The Flow of Spanish like like a normal language course at all. Think of it more like a Q-tip, Yoga Class and Software Update:

  • The Flow of Spanish is the Q-Tip for your Spanish Ears.  It will swab out the “interference” of your native language so you can hear Spanish sounds more clearly.
  • The Flow of Spanish is the Yoga Class for your Spanish Mouth.  It will stretch out your lips and strengthen your tongue so you can articulate Spanish sounds effortlessly.
  • The Flow of Spanish is the Software Update for your Spanish brain.  It will re-format the language centers in your brain so that you can absorb new Spanish words and expressions naturally.

It took me several months of building, testing and tweaking to perfect the process of Spanish pronunciation training. Luckily, you don’t have to go through all that trouble at all.

All you need to do is follow the instructions in the course modules, and you will master Spanish pronunciation in a matter of weeks.

Since releasing this course, I have helped over 1,000 individuals from around the world master their pronunciation in Spanish and other languages.  You can do the same.

Spanish Pronunciation Training

How the Training works

The Flow of Spanish is delivered completely online through the members-only web portal.  You can access it at your computer, on your tablet or on your smart phone.

There are four main aspects to the Flow of Spanish Training Program:

  • Practical Phonetics Training
  • Song-Training
  • Speech Therapy
  • Personalized Feedback

Basic Phonetics Training


In the very first module of The Flow of Spanish, you will learn some basic phonetic concepts to help you better understand Spanish sounds.  Some things you will learn are:

  • The real difference between a vowel and a consonant
  • What the 5 Spanish vowels are and how they are different from the vowels of English
  • How to “tune” your vowel pronunciation by adjusting the position of your tongue
  • How to create the Spanish r sounds
  • How to identify the underlying “rhythm” of any Spanish phrase
  • What the 5 most common Spanish pronunciation errors are

The goal of this module is for you to familiarize yourself with the core sounds of Spanish and teach you the basics of “tuning” your ear and mouth to those sounds.  Once you have this basic foundation, the next step is to train these sounds in context.

Song Training

Spanish Pronunciation Training

For the rest of the Flow of Spanish, you will dedicate your energy to learning to sing/chant Spanish song lyrics with a perfect accent.

This song-training system is extremely effective at developing the pronunciation skills you need to mimic Spanish.  We use song is because learning these new motor skills requires a lot of repetition, and music is the only context repetition is actually fun.

But like anything else, you will inevitably miss a few details. That’s where I come in…

Personal Instruction


At the end of each lesson, you will record yourself singing or chanting the lyrics you just learned.  Then you will submit that recording to me.

I will then listen to your recording, pinpoint the exact sounds you are mispronouncing and tell you exactly what you need to do with your mouth to fix the error.  If necessary, I will even direct you to speech therapy tutorial videos that target your specific weakness.

Once you have worked on your error, you will record yourself again and “re-submit.”  I will then tell you whether or not you have fixed the error.

Since our goal is perfection, you will not move onto the next lesson until we are both satisfied with your pronunciation.  Through this process of “re-tuning”, you will rapidly eradicate your spanish pronunciation weaknesses and sharpen your Spanish ears, mouth and brain.

7 ways that The Flow of Spanish can work for you

Why would you want to start the Flow of spanish right away? Here are just a few reasons:

1) To resolve all your unanswered questions about Spanish pronunciation
Have you ever had this frustrating experience: you say a word in Spanish and a native speaker tells you that you are pronouncing it wrong.  But you can’t hear the difference between what you are doing and what he is doing.

You ask him to explain the difference, but his answer doesn’t make any sense: “You gotta open your throat more.  You know it’s like a more happy type of sound.”

Here’s the truth – no one has any idea what they are talking about when it comes to the physiology of pronunciation.  It’s a science that requires many years of study and hands on experience speaking multiple languages.

But after you go through the first unit of The Flow of Spanish, you will have several “aha!” moments and finally understand exactly what’s going on in the mouths of Spanish speakers.  And of course you can always ask me specific questions throughout the training process.

2) Immediately identify the fundamental sounds that you struggle with the most
The very first thing you do in the Flow of Spanish is submit a recording of yourself saying each and every spanish sound.  Then I will tell you which sounds you are mispronouncing.

These will be the sounds that your ears, mouth and brain have not adapted to yet.  These are your personal Spanish sticking points that no one ever pointed out to you before. As soon as you know them, you will be able to narrow your energy toward fixing them.  Curious to find out what your sticking points are?

3) Get some emotional support from a real human being
I’m a cool guy I promise!  I am personally invested in your Spanish development and won’t be satisfied until you get everything perfect.  I can be tough and make you practice something over and over again until you get it right – but once you do you’ll be more than thankful.  Sometimes all it takes is a little support from a real human being to help you get through the steepest learning curves.

4) Learn some catchy Spanish songs to impress your friends with
For the most part, the music is just a tool for us to help you master your pronunciation in the most efficient way possible, but there’s no denying the cultural value as well.  After you learn the first few song lyrics, you will discover the joy of being truly involved in a foreign culture.  It’s no longer just academic stuff – you know the music!  I guarantee that your native spanish speaking friends will be thoroughly impressed 🙂

5) Unblock your Spanish ear canal
After a week of training, you will start to notice that Spanish will sound different to you.  If you hear natives speaking in the street, or if you have some Spanish TV or Radio playing in the background, you will start to recognize all the fundamental sounds and syllables that you have been training in the course.

Basically, before taking this course your ear will not be open to Spanish sounds, but this training program will immediately unclog those sound pipes.  The words you know will become more apparent to you, and the ones you don’t know yet will be more memorable.

6) Boost your speaking confidence
Does your gringo accent make you nervous about speaking Spanish?  It’s a vicious cycle – when you’re nervous you end up speaking worse, and the worse you speak the more nervous you get.  The final result is that you often choose NOT to speak up in situations, which is the worst thing ever because the ONLY way to become fluent in Spanish is to practice speaking it a lot.

Once you start to improve your pronunciation, the words will flow out more naturally and sound more authentic.  Imagine not having to worry about people judging you for your thick accent or excessive stuttering and mumbling.  That boost in confidence is exactly what you need to speak more and accelerate your progress toward Spanish fluency.

Guaranteed Results

Spanish Pronunciation

Take advantage of my 60 Day Guarantee and Start Mastering Spanish pronunciation today with The Flow of Spanish

If you go through the the Flow of Spanish, here’s what I’ll promise you:

Guarantee #1: No Gimmicks
“Learn Spanish with music?  Is this just some sort of gimmick?”

I have seen a few programs on the web talking about “the magic of music for language learning,” but really they’re just all fluff.  The Flow of Spanish is thorough and pragmatic.

Guarantee #2: Your brain will wrinkle
The first thing you will notice about the Flow of Spanish is that the training is extremely challenging.  You won’t be casually reading or listening to things, you will be forcing your ear and mouth to adapt to new sounds and commit sequences to your auditory memory – it’s hard!

If you work through the challenge, however, your brain will reshape, and you will feel your growth the next day after you give your brain time to grow with a full night of sleep.

Guarantee #3: No Deadlocks
Though each individual lesson will be very challenging, I designed the system in such of way that you WILL complete a lesson in no more than 45 minutes (average 25 minutes) if you focus.

I’ve also designed the Flow of Spanish in such a way that the difficulty of the lessons increases as you move along.  This way you can gradually build confidence and fundamental hearing and speaking abilities as you move along.

Guarantee #4: You will have fun.
The addictive power of the song-training is beyond even my comprehension. Our brains are wired to enjoy any challenging activity involving music and language, and that is exactly what this course provides you.

No more boring text book reading, let’s really learn Spanish at the source.

Guarantee #5: You will Notice Drastic Improvements 
The Flow of Spanish is unlike any other Spanish course that has ever existed on the web.  Most people expect a textbook with vocabulary and grammar drills, however, so they don’t know what to make of The Flow of Spanish training program when they hear about it.

They think: “If I’m not studying vocabulary and grammar, then what could I be learning?”

I can never truly communicate the feeling to you in writing.  The only way to understand is to do the training yourself and feel the results.

The handful of returns I have given have all been from people who never tried a single lesson.  They were turned off by the difficulty and couldn’t understand the value of working through the challenge.

Everyone who has work through it, however, is hooked.  

That’s why I am absolutely confident in giving you a better than 100% money back guarantee. If at any time you are not satisfied with the training in these 60 days, just send me an email and I’ll refund you your purchase no questions asked, AND you get to keep your access to the course.

Is it even possible for you to lose in this scenario?

Spanish Pronunciation Training

The Most Affordable Spanish Training on the Web

The Flow of Spanish is dirt cheap compared to alternative that offer not even half of the value.

Alternatively, you could hire a private Spanish tutor to meet with you in person. That will run you at least $20 an hour, and as much as $50 an hour if you want anyone who knows anything about Spanish! Never mind that you’ll have to mull over what you’ve learned in your sessions and then implement it again later.

Given my expertise, I could easily get away with charging over $100 an hour training high level executive in Spanish and 4 languages I speak fluently, but I was never interested in that.

I created my training system so that I would be able to train as many people as possible in a way that was convenient for both of us.  The profit motive has always been secondary to my vision to change the way the world thinks about language.

So there’s no need to invest hundreds of dollars a month for incompetent private tutoring – because I’ve set the price for the entire program at a rock-bottom $199. Plus, you will receive any and all future updates to the program for free, forever.

That’s right, this isn’t a subscription. It’s a once-off flat fee that gives you access to any and all future updates that we make to The Flow of Spanish.

Is this Really for Me?

I get it – you’re not sure if The Flow fo Spanish is going to help you.

Because The Flow of Spanish is so adaptable and because it works for so many people (check out the reviews), rather than tell you who it is for, let me tell you who it is not for. If one of the below is NOT you – then The Flow of Spanish will work for you.

Who The Flow of Spanish is NOT for:

Someone who is convinced that Spanish pronunciation is NOT that important.
I have met a few people who strongly resist the idea that mastering pronunciation is the most fundamental step to mastering a foreign language.  These are usually people who have convinced themselves that they are “tone deaf” and thus had to solidify themselves into language learning myths of “visual learning”.

What these people don’t realize is that the reason they struggle with pronunciation is NOT because they are tone deaf; it’s because they never had proper training.  The Flow of Spanish would give them what they need, but if they remain stuck in their ways, they will never find that out.

Someone who is not willing to work through a challenge
As I’ve mentioned repeatedly before, Flow Training requires a lot of mental energy and focus.  It’s like weight training for the ear, brain and mouth.  Every normal functioning human being is capable of lifting weights and gradually increasing the weight as their muscles grow stronger, but only some people are willing to put in the work.  

If you are still searching for the non-existent “easy path” to spanish, this course is not for you.

Someone who refuses to accept that they are NOT actually Tone Deaf

Tone deafness is an actualy pathological condition that only affects 1% of the population.  Funnily enough, however, 60% of people self-report themselves as “tone deaf” in surveys.

Tone deafness means you are physically incapable of processing certain nuances of sound.  The 60% of people who claim to be tone deaf are really just saying that because they haven’t trained their voices to sing.  That’s like saying “I am genetically incapable of riding a bicycle” after only trying once and falling.

If you refuse to accept the fact that you CAN master Spanish pronunciation with hard work and proper training, then then this course is not for you.  

Someone who is simply unsure if this is for them
We love all our customers, but it goes both ways – we want our customers to enjoy and more importantly, to use their training too. If you are unsure about The Flow of Spanish, please don’t buy it yet.

Try the free 5-day ecourse- Flow Theory 101 – to see the sort of things you’ll be learning in The Flow of Spanish. Please also have a read of our About Page to get a better sense of if we would work well together. After that, if you are 100% committed to mastering Spanish Pronunciation, then buy The Flow of Spanish.

People Looking for a vocabulary and grammar course
Just to be clear, you do not learn any vocabulary and grammar in this course. You can easily find that anywhere else on the web.  In the Flow of Spanish, we focus on that essential skill that you won’t get anywhere else – the ability to hear, correctly pronounce and mimic native spanish.

Common Questions about The Flow of Spanish

Q: Can I take this course as a complete beginner? Or do I have to already know some Spanish?
Intermediate and Advanced speakers will definitely have more “aha!” moments as they realize all the things that they learned wrong in the past, but I honestly believe that pure beginners have the most to gain. If you focus on Spanish pronunciation first, you are not only pre-formatting your brain to acquire Spanish as quickly and efficiently as possible – you are also saving yourself the time and trouble of unlearning all the mistakes that the intermediate and advanced speakers picked up while learning with the wrong sounds.So yes, if you are a complete beginner, I strongly recommend this courseHow Long Does Training Take?
If you train 5 days a week, you will complete this course in 6 weeks.  Most people, however, take around 2-3 months to complete the course.Do I have to train every day? Do I have to start right away?
The Flow of Spanish is Self-Paced, meaning you can start whenever you want and go through the materials at whatever speed you like.  I will only give you feedback when you submit a recording.  That can be every day or once a week.  It is all based on your schedule and convenience.

Will I learn any vocabulary or grammar?
At the end of each unit there is a section called “Mimicry & Meaning”, where you practice mimicking a native speaker saying the phrases normally without singing.  Once you can mimic, you will then learn what the phrase mean.  This will be the only time that you will learn any vocabulary or grammar in the course.

Is this course for European Spanish or Latin American spanish?
The goal of this course is to develop your ability to mimic any Spanish speaker, no matter where he is from.  Even though there are several different accents in Spanish, they all draw from the same group of fundamental sounds.  After completing this course, you will have a command of all these sounds.  Then you will be able to adapt to the accent of whichever group of Spanish speakers you wish to connect with.

Can I do this course on all of my devices? 

All of the materials of this course can be accessed via your computer, tablet or smartphone. However, iPhone/iPad are the only devices that are not currently supported by our feedback system. Despite that, you should use your computer for the best experience.

Once again, I assure you that this program will completely revolutionize your Spanish and help you finally reach that goal of conversational fluency.  Be sure to take advantage of this opportunity and try it today!

Keep on Flowin!

Spanish Pronunciation Training