OSOS – Cortometraje

OSOS ¿Cómo te sientes después de ver este video? En tu opinión, ¿dónde están el niño oso y la mamá oso? ¿Qué pasó adentro la caja a cuerda? Di el cuento en tus propias palabras. ¿Está satisfecho el niño que pagó por el espectáculo? Explica tu opinión. Continúa el cuento. ¿Cómo lo terminará? Busquéda por Read more about OSOS – Cortometraje[…]

Brain Pop español

Brain Pop español Brain Pop español is an awesome app and webpage that can be used in the classroom. It is a free app to download and you get a movie a day in Spanish! Or show the videos and do activities via your SmartBoard by going to the site. The categories are as follows: Read more about Brain Pop español[…]


Crepúsculo Eclipse is coming June 30th!  The students will love this!  This one is the Spanish version of the Eclipse Trailer. This is the English version of Eclipse, however you can still get creative with your students.  You can have them use the subjunctive and what they hope the movie is like or their doubts about Read more about Crepúsculo[…]

Miley Cyrus en El Hormiguero

Miley Cyrus – El Hormiguero Miley Cyrus being interviewed on El Hormiguero.  Miley Cyrus is a very popular actress, singer, and songwriter who is very popular after acting in Hannah Montana on the Disney Channel.  El Hormiguero is a great show that interviews famous people in Spanish.  I love having my students watch these shows Read more about Miley Cyrus en El Hormiguero[…]