Learn With Me! EXTRA Episode 1.1

To learn and practice Spanish, follow along while we learn through the TV show: EXTRA. You will learn authentic, conversational Spanish through the show, pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, and improve your listening skills.

Disclaimer on the video: My next video I will use a different computer so you don’t hear my mouse every time I click it. 🙂

Episode 1 – With English and Spanish Subtitles

  1. Practice mimicking the Spanish by copying the pronunciation and intonation.
  2. Listen and write down new vocabulary you learn and want to remember.
  3. Practice that vocabulary by making flashcards. I like to use Gimkit to create flashcards. There are many sites/resources for creating online flashcards to practice remotely on your phone.
Watch Episode 1 with both English and Spanish subtitles available at the same time.